Sunday, October 28, 2007

Pour le weekend - un site tres interessant

You'll have spotted that, so far, the blog has been in English.

There's also a bit more spoken in Europe than English and as it's the weeked and I'm working in Paris on Monday, let me point you towards a very good French site. I admit it's not contact centre specific, but I still find it useful so I've added a button to it on the blog. If you need the web link then you can access Cisco diaLog here.

My view of the site?
Je l'aime beaucoup. C'est un site interessant et j'aime le podcast parce que c'est plus interactive. Jerome et Francois discute les actualite high tech avec un grand perspective.

That's probably enough of my French, but it will improve and when it does there may be more.

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